As you may already be aware, GB Government have announced plans to lift poultry housing restriction measures from 23:59 on 31st March.

Whilst many of you will be keen to get your birds outside, The Avian Influenza Prevention Zone mandatory biosecurity measures remain in place for all birds, so if you plan to allow your birds outside after 31 March you must prepare their outside areas, please check the information available at:

When considering cleaning products, it is also important that you use an approved disinfectant to ensure that the products are effective against the diseases and bacteria that you want to eradicate and prevent from your site. Products such as BioShield or BioVX are both suitable against Avian Influenza and are available via The Chicken Vet.

For more biosecurity advice, please see DEFRA’s biosecurity guidance in full via the link here.

For updated advice and information relating to the current Avian Influenza cases and developments, please refer to the website here.